Write to Heal

7 Steps to Write and Publish a Wellness Book that Heals More People, Makes You the Authority and Leaves Your Legacy

Write to Heal

7 Steps to Write and Publish a Wellness Book that Heals More People, Makes You the Authority and Leaves Your Legacy
- Lynda Goldman

My newest book, Write to Heal: 7 Steps to Write and Publish a Wellness Book that Heals More People, Makes You the Authority and Leaves Your Legacy, is a lead-generation tool to find motivated health providers who want to write a wellness book. I have links and special offers to sign up for my free reports or cheat sheets. Once my ideal reader is on my email list, I invite them to be part of my coaching group, and offer my courses on how to write a wellness book.

Years ago, when I launched a business etiquette business, I wasn’t getting many clients. Then I wrote a book called How to Make a Million Dollar First Impression. I found my perfect market while networking at a sales event, carrying my book with me. Sales reps started coming over. They literally took the book out of my hands and handed me $20. This led to many speaking and training opportunities, which expanded my business greatly.

I’ve experienced the power of a book to launch a business, and now teach the people in my courses to use their books to gain authority, and expand their practices to coaching, training and consulting. A book is the most cost-efficient way to reach people across the globe, so they know, like and trust you. They pre-sell themselves on your products or services, and often become loyal customers who buy anything you put out. It all starts with your book!