The ONE Thing That Can Kill A Book

The ONE Thing That Can Kill A Book

So we were on Twitter a little while ago, just looking around at all the different books coming out. It made us so happy—so many fun books coming out!

Funny, though—you don’t see as many new book titles come out during the summer. The season of vacations, fun times, self-development… it can be deadly for folks trying to write a book. Which brings us to the #1 killer of new stories: Procrastination.

Here at Archangel Ink Publishing, we totally understand when life gets in the way of writing. We all have obligations, and writing often starts as a side gig to and evolves into a mainstay source of income. But we urge you, from the bottom of our red pens, not to let your first book pass by in the midst of life. The world deserves to see it!

Here’s how to beat writing procrastination, even in the glorious summer months:

1. Kill your “numbers.”

Ray Bradbury writingSome of the biggest victims of procrastinators are those that make strict deadlines for themselves. While it’s a noble idea to hit 7000 words every week, or even just try writing a certain amount every day, such harsh deadlines can often cause of anxiety. With anxiety comes anger, and with anger comes the urge to rebel. If you’re trying to rebel against deadlines you yourself imposed, it may not be worth it to keep those deadlines in place. Stay flexible, and keep your book alive!

2. Give yourself an end reward.

brownie pointsWe’re not recommending that you make something from our Break Time Board every time you break a writing milestone. But giving yourself a solid end goal for completing a draft (or even an entire book) can be incredibly rewarding. It lends weight to goals more so than an abstract idea ever could. In other words, the idea of going on a long train trip once your book is finished (a tangible goal) may motivate you to write much more so than the feeling of being finished with your first book (an abstract goal).

3. Set up accountability partners.

Algonquin round tableOur in-house authors swear by their writing groups, even if they’re online and not like the noble in-person meetings at the Algonquin. Having people to bounce ideas off of can help keep the ideas flowing, and leads to silent accountability among people within the group. And when we say accountability in the group, we mean shame if you don’t get off your lazy bum and write something like the rest of us.

4. Keep inspiration around.

kids readingWhat first inspired you to write a book? Was it something you read as a child? Some movie that touched you with its incredible storytelling? An autograph from a famous author passed down from a past generation?

Dig out that old artifacts and place it in a place of honor on your desk. Pop in that old flick, or re-read that old bookcase gem. It’ll motivate you to get creating like nothing else will—past selves and desires tend to do that!

5. Make it MATTER.

your writing mattersIf you have a day job in addition to your writing, thinking about your writing in these terms: Without at least a few books under your belt, there’s no way you’re getting out of that job. You need a book to get the life you want, so make that book!

And when you’re done, let us know. We’ll make it great!

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