Remember when J.K. Rowling wrote a detective novel and it was the craziest leaked secret ever? Well, it turns out that she’s just one drop in an enormous bucket of authors. Genre hopping is becoming more and more popular among modern authors, not least because it can help you earn a boatload of money. According […]
Read full article.Amazon’s Latest Books Update (And Why You Should Care)
Earlier today, the Amazon Books Team issued a statement clarifying its “objectives,” i.e. reconfiguring its position on paying authors in light of the whole Hachette payment/book removal scandal. To start off, here’s the statement in its entirety: With this update, we’re providing specific information about Amazon’s objectives. A key objective is lower e-book prices. Many […]
Read full article.Kindle Unlimited: Good or Bad for Authors?
By Buck Flogging I’ve noticed several of the articles on Amazon’s bold decision to offer a subscription for unlimited eBook downloads seem to claim that this move is “bad for authors.” That’s probably because these articles were written by people who aren’t authors or publishers and certainly not indie authors. We’ve published 40 books here […]
Read full article.The ONE Thing That Can Kill A Book
So we were on Twitter a little while ago, just looking around at all the different books coming out. It made us so happy—so many fun books coming out! Funny, though—you don’t see as many new book titles come out during the summer. The season of vacations, fun times, self-development… it can be deadly for […]
Read full article.You’re Meant to Be An Author If…
We finished off another great Buck Books sale this week, and we got to thinking: What makes someone want to be an author? What draws someone to the art and business of writing? And moreover, what qualities make it easy for someone to succeed as an author? This is a *highly scientific* list compiled by […]
Read full article.How to get a Book Published
There are basically two ways to publish a book. One is to go the traditional route where you pitch your idea and yourself to a publishing company through what’s called a book proposal. It works kind of like this… Let’s say you wrote a zombie novel. Excellent choice. Zombies are in right now. Good timing. […]
Read full article.